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3-4 23:05:38 =UleeDeway= Hopefully before too long we will have an RF2 series ready to go too. I'll have to check tonight, but I think it may just be the default stuff with AMS2 that we are using for the WTF series. I have forgotten though. I will let you know tonight.
3-4 18:26:24 =Lildave= I meant rFactor, thats what we have always used, had a look at ams2, how much do I have to buy to race? Everything is $532 ?
3-4 6:05:44 GBarnier It all comes down to priorities Ulee, and the threat of harm when you make the wrong choice :-*
3-4 3:28:33 =UleeDeway= Just came to a realization. And no I did not forget, just did not put two and two together. The next round of the WTF series is scheduled for my wife's 50th birthday. I am thinking I can't really skip that one. How's the 23rd sound?
2-4 0:08:02 =UleeDeway= Race Day
1-4 1:15:27 =paps= Woot..back to Imola :P
31-3 23:52:45 =UleeDeway= We are racing tomorrow night!!! :)
31-3 17:49:22 =Lildave= Does anybody here want to race anymore?
26-3 23:12:00 =Fieldzy= I have put the Aussie legends in rf2 ts file browser for you to download.
26-3 9:23:57 =UleeDeway= Sorry, can't make it tonight. Kids moving day. Unfortunately it is moving back home. ;)
26-3 7:37:59 =Fieldzy= If someone could link to web page that would be great.
26-3 7:36:49 =Fieldzy= Live racer up here is link «link»
26-3 6:23:58 =Fieldzy= Charger link «link»
26-3 6:23:24 =Fieldzy= HQ Holden link «link»
26-3 6:20:43 =Fieldzy= Link for Bathurst 1985 «link»
26-3 6:20:14 =Fieldzy= Link for lakeside «link»
26-3 0:39:33 GBarnier Thanks Fieldzy, unfortunately can’t make it tonight though.
25-3 23:35:16 =paps= :)
25-3 22:36:00 =Fieldzy= Tonight I will be on 7.30pm QLD time for some rf2 running and discussion on what series we start the year off with. Hope to see you all tonight.
25-3 22:34:15 =Fieldzy= Server up and running
25-3 21:59:29 =Fieldzy= Server being updated
22-3 5:04:45 =Fieldzy= Old School server has HQ and Charger on it.
22-3 4:49:48 =Fieldzy= RF2 servers been update. Throttle fix was the update.
21-3 8:09:38 =paps= thanks mate. :D
21-3 4:07:13 =Fieldzy= So the HQ was one so I replace it with the skippy.
21-3 4:06:23 =Fieldzy= 97
21-3 4:06:20 =Fieldzy= There are some car starts with maximum revs. It is a bug and will be fixed with an hotfix from 3
20-3 23:40:18 =UleeDeway= Thanks =Fieldzy=
20-3 23:21:06 =Fieldzy= One server has a password. You know what it is.
20-3 9:09:44 =Fieldzy= Okay I have got every thing working again. So let me know what tracks and cars you want so I can download them to the server.
20-3 5:07:49 =Fieldzy= Okay 1 server up thats it for me today. Still not right I will have to talk to some other clams to find out what I'm doing wrong.
20-3 2:39:45 =Fieldzy= Having a rest back in hour
20-3 2:31:03 =paps= Rdgr
19-3 23:17:02 =Fieldzy= I am starting to redo rf2 servers so please wait till anyone goes onto the server till you hear that I'm done. Because it will interrupte and force me to start all over again.
18-3 5:32:02 =paps= thanks Fieldz.
18-3 4:04:30 =Fieldzy= Hi all. It looks like I will have to rebuild the rf2 servers from scratch. I will be doing this on Monday 20th. Thanks for your patience.
18-3 2:59:20 =Fieldzy= Updated rf2 server won't be long
17-3 8:59:27 =Fieldzy= OZ NZ BTCC server has had track change. Tracks are Barbagallo, Adelaide, Teretonga, Sandown
17-3 8:32:57 =Fieldzy= Hi all I will be ready to start some racing again so put up your requests.
17-3 2:40:18 =Fieldzy= All done
17-3 2:18:46 =Fieldzy= Server has windows updates being done now.
16-3 1:45:49 GBarnier Agreed, =paps= one is the better use. I am logged in using the green =GB=, don’t know how to change accounts on the iPad to the red one?
15-3 13:11:08 =UleeDeway= There are two =GB= in your channel =paps=. Good place to start though. Can you set up some roles for everyone and we can pitch it to make it run and work better. I watched a good video on how to do it here «link»
15-3 12:25:42 =UleeDeway= Looks like kunkie started the other one, Mine was a temporary test one from a few years ago.
15-3 12:11:56 GBarnier :D
15-3 8:46:37 =paps= well thats the wrong one then... :P
15-3 7:33:57 GBarnier That’s another HOG channel …
15-3 7:10:10 =paps= «link»
15-3 7:08:51 =paps= I started the HOG channel just before Christmas.
15-3 6:02:11 GBarnier Invite sent Ulee, Paps is already a member.
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